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New Research Finds that Homeowners and City Planners Should ‘Hit the Trail’ When Considering Property Values

This seems to be also a good argument for cycle-tourism:

“housing prices went up by nine dollars for every foot closer to the trail entrance. Ultimately, the study concluded that for the average home, homeowners were willing to pay a $9,000 premium to be located one thousand feet closer to the trail.”


One thought on “New Research Finds that Homeowners and City Planners Should ‘Hit the Trail’ When Considering Property Values

  1. I think that bike lanes on roads with no separating skirt are dangerous. I loved the bike lanes in Sweden. They even had their own underpasses so you wouldn’t have to cross roads. Lots of people rode their bicycles there although gas was 5 times what it was here and cars were twice as expensive.

    Posted by Richard Ganton | November 10, 2011, 11:09 am

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